The Institute for US-China Issues
Yan Lianke Wins 2020 Newman Prize for Chinese Literature
Newman Prize for English Jueju
Wang Anyi Wins 2017 Newman Prize For Chinese Literature
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the OU Institute for US-China Issues
About the Prize
The Newman Prize for Chinese Literature is awarded biennially in recognition of outstanding achievement in prose or poetry that best captures the human condition, and is conferred solely on the basis of literary merit. Any living author writing in Chinese (residing anywhere) is eligible. The Prize consists of $10,000 and a plaque, and may serve to crown a lifetime’s achievement or to direct attention to a developing body of work. An international jury of distinguished experts will both nominate the candidates and select the winner, based on a transparent voting process.
The Newman Prize for Chinese Literature is hosted by the University of Oklahoma’s Institute for US-China Issues, which seeks to advance mutual trust in US-China relations. Literature and other cultural products can promote understanding through their celebration of our common humanity. OU is also home to World Literature Today, a leading journal of world literature, and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature. The Newman Prize honors Harold J. and Ruth Newman, whose generous endowment for a chair at the University of Oklahoma enabled the creation of the OU Institute for US-China Issues.
The Newman Prize Interview
CLT Editor, Jonathan Stalling, interviews Harold J. and Ruth Newman
For more information about the Newman Prize for Chinese Literature at OU visit